Sunday, 9 December 2007

Christmas is Coming...!

As we were preparing for our company’s nativity play here in Greater Manchester, I was reminded of one of my not so glorious moments – when I, very confidently shouted out the wrong line at a crucial moment of our school’s nativity play. I was 6 and was swiftly forgiven as I smiled sweetly at the bemused audience, but it is a memory that has clearly stuck.

Though it seems that the nativity play may be a thing of the past.

In the midst of the debate over the rights and wrongs of putting on a nativity play in a multi-cultural context, I am struck by the things that people are quick to defend – so much of what we treasure about the Christmas nativity play is actually nowhere to be found in any Bible I’ve ever read. And if that’s the case then what is really the big deal?

After all, it’s just a bit of fun isn’t it??

Do you think the nativity play is an important part of Christmas or are you happy for it to be scrapped?
What are your best and worst nativity play moments?


Anonymous said...

of course the nativity play is really important part of Christmas. for alot of people it can be the only thing that is anything to do with God at Christmas time. Take that away and we have completly fallen into a Chritless Christmas.
The natiity also is a very well known story - and what better story to be known than that of Jesus coming into the world!!

Kat Bevis said...

Oh yeah nativities are a must at Christmas time. They mean so much to so many people and they are some kind of reminder to everyone that Christmas is more than just getting presents.

As with all stories bits get added over time. I found out the other day that no where in the bible does it mention Mary riding a donkey! But does that matter as long as the central theme of Gods amazing miracle to bring His Son to earth so that we can experience His love and His saving grace.

Mind you at uni my friends and I put on an inpromtu nativity when we all confessed to never being given a role we always wanted. Because I had blond hair I was always an angel and I really wanted to be Mary where as Vicky was always Mary and really wanted to be an angel! It was such a laugh and a memory that will stay with me forever.